Friday, May 13, 2011


A car driving past a very large, colorful graffiti on Van Nuys by Parthenia.  Graffiti is a petty crime usually orchestrated by adolescents trying to spite the law.  Most crime happens in the inner city, in the ghetto. The social problem being depicted is that young people get roped into the world of petty crime young and are encouraged to continue it until adolescence.  Then they get in bigger trouble, end up in jail, and then can’t land a decent job the rest of their lives.  Society encourages breaking rules, it is seen as cool. You earn “street cred” for committing crimes. More dangerous crimes get more “street cred”.  The social problem being depicts is the plight of youth from entering the world of drug and crime.

A squad car stationed outside Reseda High School. Since young people are most often the perpetrators of petty and drug-related crimes Police officers commonly wait outside high schools. Especially high schools with students coming from low-income neighborhoods.  The social problem being depicted is that adolescents are more prone to committing crimes than any other group.

A small wall mural that says “Take the bright path not the dark path” on Newcastle avenue in Reseda.  This is significant because it is right outside an elementary school. This message is directly towards kids so that they do not choose “the dark” path...or the path to drugs and crime.  The social problem depicted is similar to the other social problems depicted in this section, adolescents are the most common group to be affiliated with crime and narcotics.

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